Yo Kai Watch 3 Free N Easy Pass

The map of Springdale Railway, showing all available stations.

The Springdale Railway (Japanese: さくら鉄道 , Sakura Railway ) is the rail system that connects various locations within Springdale and its surrounding towns that appear in the Yo-kai Watch games.

Initially in the Yo-kai Watch video game, feature is limited, only allowing the player to travel between Springdale Central and Sunshine Station, but in Yo-kai Watch 2 and Yo-kai Watch 3, the feature is greatly expanded, which has stations that the player can stop at allowing access to Harrisville and San Fantastico.


The railway system is a method of transport used to get around stations, which must be visited before the Mirapo Warp feature is unlocked in the respective games. To use it, the player is required to purchase a day ticket at any station for $3.00, which allows for unlimited rail travel during the current in-game day. It can only be accessed during the daytime and evening.

The rail system travel is unlocked during Chapter 4 in Yo-kai Watch 2, where Nate/Katie must travel to Harrisville by rail to meet their grandparent while in Yo-kai Watch 3, it is unlocked during Chapter 3 in Hailey's side of the story where she must visit Sparkopolis. The railway can also be used in Old Springdale and Old Harrisville, but only as a one-way journey via the two locations.


A list of all the stations in Yo-kai Watch 2, excluding the four hidden ones.

A total of 22 stations can be visited, spanning across four different route lines. While they provide access to certain towns, most of the stations serve little-to-no use in the game with the exception of the stamp rally, battling rare Yo-kai once per day and obtaining certain items by talking to people at the station.

In Yo-kai Watch 3, Greenfields Station and Green Street Station now have accessible stairways, with them leading to Greenfields and Sparkopolis. San Fantastico and Harrisville are also available as optional areas in the international versions and the 3.0 update in the original Japanese game.

Hidden Stations

There are four secret train stations that can be accessed by completing certain prerequisites, which are Cherry Hill, Whimsy Valley, Scarfit Downs and Little Haven. In Yo-kai Watch 2, they are not visible from the beginning on the station map and cannot be visited until the player meets the prerequisites to do so.

Exclusively in Yo-kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters, Whimsy Valley must be visited to access the Gera Gera Abyss Resort.


Random Events

While riding on the train, the player can come across other characters that will either pass by the player or sit in the front seat. Some of them are characters like Bear and Eddie while others are NPCs. Though they have a conversation with the player, they can sometimes give them items as a gift. Playing as Hailey in Yo-kai Watch 3 will meet up with characters like Isabel instead.

Scripted events

Yo-kai Watch 2

Encountering Eddie

For this event to happen, the player must have started the All Aboard! request (see Free 'n' Easy Pass below).

Once the player has obtained 9 of the 18 stamps from any of the visible stations, the next time the player takes the train, an event will play where the player encounters Eddie on the train, which itself begins a small side-quest.

When talked to, he is inspirited by Squeeky which causes the music coming from his headphone to be audible inside the whole train car. Unique to this event is that it allows the player to walk across the moving train car, something which is otherwise not possible.

Free 'n' Easy Pass

It is possible to obtain the Free 'n' Easy Pass which will allow the player to ride the train without paying any fees. It cannot be used in the past in Yo-kai Watch 2.

In Yo-kai Watch 2, the pass must be obtained by completing the Stamp Rally as well as being part of the All Aboard Request. A conductor at Spring Station will give the player a stamp card, which must be filled in by visiting the stamp box at every station, excluding the hidden stations. Once all of the locations are filled in the stamp pass, the player must talk to any conductor so they can obtain the Free 'n' Easy Pass.

It is obtained differently in Yo-kai Watch 3, where the player must head to Whimsy Valley Station as either Nate or Hailey after receiving inside the Kainet application at random. They must find Shogunyan with the Watch Radar, as talking to him will give the player the Free 'n' Easy Pass.

List of stations

Station Line Access to
Sunshine Station Fox Line Blossom Heights
Whimsy Valley Station Fox Line Geragera Abyss Resort (via Hexpress, Yo-kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters only)
Cherry Hill Station Central Line
Spring Station Central Line Excellent Tower (Yo-kai Watch 2 and Yo-kai Watch 3 only)
Springdale Central Station Central Line, Central Line Express Downtown Springdale
Green Street Station Central Line Sparkopolis (Yo-kai Watch 3 only)
Hibarly Hills Station Central Line
Petal Peak Station Central Line
Factory Row Station Central Line
Sweet Meadow Station Central Line
Fortune Place Station Central Line, Central Line Express
Skybridge Station Central Line
Dreamer's Field Station Central Line
Ridgemont Station Central Line
Bayside Station Central Line
San Fantastico Station Central Line San Fantastico Fishing Port (Yo-kai Watch 2 and Yo-kai Watch 3 only)
Greenfields Station Echo Line Greenfields Area(Yo-kai Watch 3 only)
Temple Park Station Echo Line
Dingle Falls Station Echo Line
Harrisville Station Echo Line Harrisville (Yo-kai Watch 2 Yo-kai Watch 3 only)
Scarfit Downs Station Echo Line
Little Haven Station Echo Line


Item Name Location Games
FreenEasy Pass.png Free 'n' Easy Pass Complete the Stamp Rally in the All Aboard Quest. YW2
FreenEasy Pass.png Free 'n' Easy Pass Find and talk to Shogunyan at Whimsy Valley Station via a Kainet request. YW3

Train Events

Yo-kai Watch 2

Random Conversations

Character Conversation
Whisper Whisper will bring up how Bear looks pretty strong, and might be good in a fight. The player mentions he doesn't get into many fights these days, and he has a weakness, which is that he's scared of his mom. The player tells a story of how Bear tried to skip school one day, and his mother dragged him back to school, and by the time he came, he was crying.
Whisper Whisper will ask the player if they're done with their summer homework, which the player can't confidently respond to. He then asks if they started, with them claiming they're almost done. Eventually Whisper corners the player and tells them that they have to start the homework when they head home, causing the player to tear up.
Whisper Whisper asks the player if they have a crush on anyone, which the player quickly denies and asks why he's so curious. Whisper asks if they have a crush on Katie*/Eddie*, with the player responding saying that they're just a friend. Whisper says on the train, you're supposed to talk about either love or stock prices, and asks if the player has any stock tips. The player grumbles, wondering if Whisper enjoys getting on their nerves.
Whisper Whisper wonders why Eddie always wears headphones, and what he listens to. The player suggests that since he's able to hear, he might not be listening to anything and is wearing them for a fashion reason. Whisper says it's not fashionable at all, and could be foreign conversations playing on a loop, to learn other languages. The player doubts it and thinks he's listening to something like Next HarMEOWny, and remembers to ask next time they see him.
Whisper Whisper asks the player if they notice anything different about him. After being disappointed when they say they don't notice anything, he tells them he's developed strange tan lines. Both the player and Jibanyan are disappointed and wonder what the big deal is, with Whisper responding that he'll feel awkward in his swimsuit at the beach. The player then screams that nobody will notice since he's invisible and normally naked anyway. After Whisper stays silent for a few seconds, with the player worrying they upset him, Whisper takes the advice and says he should live his life without worrying how he appears to others.
Nate/Katie The player asks why Jibanyan likes Chocobars, with Jibanyan mentioning he doesn't know what's weird about it. Whisper agrees that Jibanyan eating human snacks is odd. Jibanyan disregards them and says his dream is to open a Chocobar factory one day, and the player encourages him. Whisper asks if Jibanyan will share his Chocobars with him when his dream comes true. In response, the player mentions that Whisper thought a cat liking chocobars was weird.
Nate/Katie The player asks Whisper if he ever gets a tan. He says he gets tanned regularly, and got some color today. The player says they can't tell at all, and Whisper replies saying the tan peeling off is part of his morning routine, which grosses the player out.
Mr. Goodsight Mr. Goodsight asks the player how they've been, before giving them a Bitter Medicine. He says it's his favourite herbal remedy from Chloro-Phil Good, but then explains how bitter it is, making the player wonder why someone would drink it. They then think how they could give it to a Yo-kai, Whisper in a worst-case scenario. Whisper asks if they said something, and Jibanyan becomes anxious over the herbal remedy, and the player denies saying anything. Mr. Goodsight then leaves.
Wiglin Wiglin comes by in a good mood, as he says he's on the way to a dance competition the next town over. The player says they think Wiglin will win, but he expresses doubt, since one of his opponents is a "dancing machine". The player asks if he's a Yo-kai they haven't heard of, which Wiglin denies and says he's a human. The player realises he's talking about Groovalicious, who is Wiglin's biggest rival.
Komasan Komasan will meet up with the player, and he will mention how the first step to using the train system is figuring out the "maze" that is the map. He then says the next challenge is the swing-door beeper at the entrance, referencing the turnstile. He finally says that the hardest part of the train system is guessing what train you want to go on, with the fact that he just jumps on trains at random shocking the player. Komasan then mentions he's on the wrong train and leaves.

Items Given

Yo-kai Watch 3

Random Conversations


Character Conversation
Jibanyan Jibanyan will mention he's been invited to a 'Merican Yo-kai party. Whisper asks if he can come, which Jibanyan replies with that he needs to ask the party hosts, which makes Whisper think the matter is decided and he's coming. Jibanyan tells Nate not to let him come, and Nate says he doesn't mind either way, but then says he won't miss Whisper for just one day. He then asks Whisper to have the Yo-kai Pad for that day, which he eventually relents to.
Nate Nate remarks at how amazing it was that Steve Jaws created the Yo-kai Watch Dream in a cave. Mentioning the Dream Watch reminds Jibanyan and Nate of the fact that Whisper traded in the Yo-kai Watch U. Whisper defends himself by saying trading it in that is what started their BBQ adventures. He then admits that he was a little hasty, and Nate tells him to drop it.
Casey Casey meets up with Nate, hearing he came back from BBQ. When Nate says he made friends in BBQ, Casey ends up confused that he was able to communicate with them. He asks what rides Nate went on, with Nate eventually finding out Casey thinks BBQ is an amusement park. He then gives Nate a Gooey Candy.
Young Man A man native to BBQ sits down and starts to talk to Nate, with him having no idea what he's saying. Whisper urges him to speak so he doesn't look weird, with Nate eventually answering in a broken accent when he asks if he's looking for someone. The man gives Nate Caramel Peanuts in pity. After the man leaves, Whisper claims he understood the man, and that he complimented Whisper. Nate doesn't believe him.


Items Given




Yo-kai Watch 2

Train Yo-kai

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
Pandicon.png Pandle Rank E icon.PNG



6 Anytime Any ?%
Cuttaicon.png Cutta-nah Rank E icon.PNG



6 Anytime Any ?%
TerrpottIcon.png Terrorpotta Rank E icon.PNG



6 Anytime Any ?%
LeggIcon.png Leggly Rank E icon.PNG



6 Anytime Any ?%
Cupisicon.png Cupistol Rank D icon.PNG



13 Anytime Any ?%
Hidaicon.png Hidabat Rank D icon.PNG



13 Anytime Any ?%
Tantricon.png Tantroni Rank D icon.PNG



13 Anytime Any ?%
Castiiiicon.png Castelius III Rank C icon.PNG



13 Anytime Any ?%
Shmoicon.png Shmoopie Rank C icon.PNG



13 Anytime Any ?%
Goruicon.png Goruma Rank B icon.PNG



23 Anytime Any ?%
SnobeIcon.png Snobetty Rank B icon.PNG



23 Anytime Any ?%

Special Yo-kai

Yo-kai Rank Requirements Level Time Rate
Robogricon.png Robogramps Rank B icon.PNG Met at Temple Park Station. (Hungramps Cog required) 50 Anytime Multiple
Robonicon.png Robonoko Rank B icon.PNG Met at Dingle Falls Station. (Noko Cog required) 50 Anytime Multiple
Robokomaicon.png Robokoma Rank A icon.PNG Met at Hilbarly Hills Station. (Komasan Cog required) 50 Anytime Multiple
Robodraicon.png Robodraggie Rank B icon.PNG Met at Ridgemont Station. (Draggie Cog required) 50 Anytime Multiple
Robokappicon.png Robokapp Rank A icon.PNG Met at Green Street Station. (Walkappa Cog required) 50 Anytime Multiple
Robomicon.png Robomutt Rank B icon.PNG Met at Bayside Station. (Manjimutt Cog required) 50 Anytime Multiple

Yo-kai Watch 3

Train Yo-kai

Yo-kai Rank Allies Level Time Weather Rate
YW3Leggl.png Leggly Rank E icon.PNG



52 Anytime Any ?%
YW3Lafalott.png Lafalotta Rank D icon.PNG



52 Anytime Any ?%
YW3Nird.png Nird Rank B icon.PNG



52 Anytime Any ?%
YW3Snobett.png Snobetty Rank B icon.PNG



52 Anytime Any ?%
YW3Casano.png Casanono Rank A icon.PNG



52 Anytime Any ?%
YW3Statking.png Statiking Rank S icon.PNG



53 Anytime Any ?%


Main article: Hexpress

Exclusively in Yo-kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters, the Hexpress can be boarded after completing the main storyline of the game. A Hexpress Pass is required which can be obtained by talking to Leggly in front of the Adams House*/Forester House*, which will also begin the Getting to Gera Gera Request.

In the anime

Whimsy Valley Station in the anime.

Yo-kai Watch: Forever Friends

Whimsy Valley Station appears in Yo-kai Watch: Forever Friends, as the station where Jack, Alistair and Tae board a train to the Yo-kai World. The train is called the Yo-kai Train instead of the Hexpress.


  • In the Japanese and Korean versions, the station names are vertical as the languages can be written from that point. This was changed slightly to a 15 degree rotation in the international versions.
  • The train line jingles are leitmotifs of Yo-kai Watch songs heard throughout the game.
  • Though the player cannot move around the train car, it can be moved around in Yo-kai Watch 2 during a random event when the player is tasked to look for Yo-kai Squeeky inspiriting Eddie.
  • In one of the train conversations in Yo-kai Watch 2, Jibanyan dreams of opening up a Chocobar factory. Such a place like this would later be visited in MN011 of the Yo-kai Watch♪ series.

In other languages

  • Italian: Ferrovie di Valdoro
  • Dutch: Lenthuizen Spoorwegen
Locations in Springdale
Districts Uptown Springdale • Blossom Heights • Downtown Springdale • Shopper's Row • Breezy Hills • Mt. Wildwood • Excellent Tower • Harrisville Station Plaza • Harrisville • San Fantastico • Sparkopolis • Greenfields
Interior Areas Adams House • Forester House • Everymart • Banter Bakery • Piggleston Bank • Lambert Post Office • Jungle Hunter • Springdale Community Center • Springdale Elementary School • Memory Store • Logan's House • Shrine Behind the Waterfall • Mt. Wildwood - Summit • Deserted House • Candy Stop • Springdale Hot Springs • Timers & More • Prayer's Peak Tunnel • Bernstein House • Springdale Railway • Chloro-Phil Good • Wayfarer Manor • Byrd House • Shoten Temple • Megan's House • Foundation Academy • Fortune Hospital • Nom Burger • Frostia's Place • Springdale Business Tower • Arcadia Arcade • Seabreeze Tunnel • Sunset Mall • Belly Buster Curry HouseCafé Shanista • Springdale Sports Club • Tortoise Camera Shop • Springdale Underground Area • Sumptuous Sukiyaki • Springdale Flower Road • Superior StyleToys iZ We • North Wind Ramen • Sun Pavilion • Sushi Springdale • Settle In Bookstore • Whatta Find • Mary's Coin LaundryTranquility ApartmentsTempura Tempest • Archer House • Stone House • Gourd Pond Museum • Wisteria Gardens • Breezy Hills Apartments • Thomas House • Amy's House • Lina's House • Stonewood House • Grandma's House • Mountain Market • Harrisville School • Rusty's MartDeserted HouseRolling Waves Meeting HallSeaDragon HeightsAnimeChumMaid in HeavenNext HarMEOWny TheaterSoba Sensation • Detective Agency
Yo-kai Areas The Catwalk • Desolate Lane • Shady Back AlleyLonely WaterwayHidden Side StreetTucked Away LotSecret BywayAcademy ShortcutBehind Frostia's PlaceDelivery Bay • Rugged Path • Shopping Street NarrowsMt. Wildwood - Mountain PathJumbo Slider • Rice Paddy Path • Alley off the PlazaHidden WorkshopBriny Grotto • Shady Parking Lot • Junk AlleySpringdale Underground Parking
Dungeons Old Mansion • Springdale Underground Waterway • Construction Site • Springdale Business Tower • Gourd Pond Museum • Springdale Elementary School • Abandoned Tunnel • Nocturne Hospital • Mt. Middleton • Infinite Tunnel • Seaside Cave • Illusionary Sparkopolis • Hazy Lane
Access to The Yo-kai World • Ambrosia Pavillion • Infinite Inferno • Mystery Way • Gera Gera Abyss Resort • Yopple HQ • Tatsumi-kawabata - North • Sakura Motomachi (Past) • Yo-kai World (Past) • Enma's Palace (Future)
Districts Old Springdale • Old Harrisville • Old Harrisville Station Plaza • Mt. Wildwood • Gourd Pond (past)
Interior Areas Shoten Temple • Timers & More • Springdale Hot Springs • Galleria BoulevardSpringdale Ironworks • Sunset Manufacturing Co. • Ninja Forest • Secret BaseOld-Time House • Prayer's Peak Tunnel • Flatpot Plains
Yo-kai Areas Well RoadFox Shrine RoadRice Paddy
Dungeons Mt. Middleton
Access to Infinite Inferno • Sawayama Castle Town


Source: https://yokaiwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Springdale_Railway

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